Disclaimer of liability

Although Freshfrozen for Pets NV endeavours to provide only complete and correct information on its website, Freshfrozen for Pets NV accepts no liability for the accuracy of this information or for any information that could be considered misleading. All information on the Freshfrozen for Pets NV website is of an informative nature and is provided for information purposes only.

The content of this website will be modified from time to time without prior notice, which may not result in the creation, modification or replacement of existing or new contractual obligations agreed between Freshfrozen for Pets SA or its subsidiaries and the user of the website.

The name and logo of Freshfrozen for Pets NV, its affiliated companies and the products and services they offer are trademarks and trade names protected by national and international legislation. This website is governed by Belgian law and the relevant intellectual property rights belong to Freshfrozen for Pets NV.

Send an email to info@jolipet.com if you have any questions about this website.